About Us
Apex Health Living is about creating a healthy living environment.
We have searched the world over to find the best products for your healthy home and present you with the research and knowledge that we have learned along the way.
Apex Health Living features hard-to-find products that nurture the body and mind to support your family’s optimal health. We know you will find our products beneficial and of the highest quality. Thank you for shopping with us.
We Continue to Seek Out Products That Are…
Human Friendly
Pet Friendly
Earth Friendly
Over the years, our family has experienced several challenges to our health including; cancer, toxic mold in our home, radon, and contaminated drinking water.
Through our research on these and other conditions, we learned that we had the power to optimize our health outcomes in a positive way by adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle and ensuring that we were living the healthiest environment possible.
As a physical therapist and owner of a holistic clinic with over 30 years of experience, Carol has studied under some the world’s greatest medical and alternative health care leaders. She has seen first hand how simple lifestyle changes can make dramatic positive impacts on patient outcome.
Tom is a research engineer with a considerable product development background. He brings a keen analytical mind to the research of products and practices that we have uncovered in our optimum health quest.
The information presented on the Apex Health Living website has been compiled from many great sources and put together in a friendly learning environment. Our featured products are all things that we have personally tested, and use on a daily basis. We continue to search out and add human (and pet) friendly, earth friendly products to encourage and enhance healthy lifestyles.
Yours in Health,
Carol and Tom Gordon
Always Remember To…
Read all food labels and look to eat only things that you can pronounce the name of.
Assure that you are drinking pure water at the proper pH without radon or other toxins.
Don’t put anything on your skin that you wouldn’t put in your mouth.
Treat each day like the gift that it is …
Live, Love, Laugh